Lilyfields Herbal offers foundational, specific and follow-up consultations, as well as a quality selection of vitamin, herbs and supplements.
Our consultation services include:
Is the science and art of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye observing the color, pigmentations, and structure of the iris itself. Iridology is one of the best tools of observation available to discover which areas of the body are genetically strong and which are potentially weak.
The iris relays messages to us concerning the health and wellbeing of the body through the reflex actions in the eye of approximately 28,000 nerve endings. Iridology’s greatest asset is its ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties making it a powerful tool in working for preventative health and wellness care. Iridology does not name a disease; instead, it reads genetic signs in the iris that point towards potential health issues due to tissue weakness.
(From Techniques and Analysis: Textbook for Iridology by Ellen Tart-Jensen)

Physical Observations
Muscle Response Testing (MRT):
Uses the biomechanical/electrical current of the body to gain feedback on the body’s energy levels. MRT is based on the idea that organ, gland, nerves, and chemical imbalances can be identified through connections to specific bio-electrical currents.
As natural health consultants, we use MRT to confirm potentialities identified through iridology, physical observations and other means to discern areas in need of support.
Consultations rates:
- Foundational Health and Wellness Consultation (initial iridology assessment, physical observations, MRT) – 1 hr, $125
- Specified Consultation – 30 min, $75; 1 hr – $150
- Follow-up Consultation – 20 min, $35
- Business – Tues, Wed, Thur 10-5 via phone or on-line
- Appointments – Tues, Wed 1-5 via phone or on-line
Want to make an appointment? Call or send an email today!
Disclaimer: The services offered by Lilyfields Herbal LLC are at all times restricted to consultations on holistic wellness matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of natural health through suggestions and recommendations to help clients and customers improve their health, and do not involve the diagnosing, treating, or the prescribing of any treatments for disease.